TV series of 5 episodes, written and directed by Nevejan, and a multimedia project with dance. The Dutch National Ballet stepped into Nevejans dream of creating a Canta ballet with 53 handicapped people and their cars. Thus enabling us to connect bodies in top condition and disabled ones, man and machine, high culture and popular culture, and people in all corners of society.
Obstacles and predjudices are encounterd and overcome in a ballet story about what literally moves us all. And though it might look as if they are wolds apart, they actually are the same in their everyday struggle with stretching their bodies.“Tell me the story of your body from the perspective of your body.”
When the performance is getting nearer, tensions and fatigue play their role, someone even dies. But everybody wants to make this crazy and impossible dream reality and in the end they do.
What started as a dream became reality; Thanx to choreographer Ernst Meisner, composer Robin Rimbaud aka Scanner, production company Viewpoint , and most of all, the 123 performers, the feelgood film The Canta dances takes you on a journey to discover that limitations give rise to mastery.
The National Canta Ballet was aired in 5 episodes and awarded as best TV of the spring season 2012.
The project includes a book, a tv-series, a registration of the ballet, live performances and a radio making off documentary. Through GPS tracking even poeople who were too sick to make the performance could make a walz in their own neighboorhood. An International version of 80 minutes will be made in 2016.
Director: Maartje Nevejan
Editor: Mathieu Hes
Producer: Valérie Schuit, ViewpointProductions
Runningtime: 4 episodes 35 min. (52 min. & 80 min. in production)
Original Music: Scanner, Robin Rimbaud
Choreography: Ernst Meisner
Dancers: Dutch National Ballet.
More info
Photo doc VN 2012
Conversation in Context with Maartje Nevejan
Here you find te five episodes of the TV documentary Nationale Canta Ballet so you can see them on internet or order the Dutch National Canta Ballet DVD at Maartje.
1vandaag (Dutch TV news-show), item about ‘The Dutch National Canta Ballet
The National Canta Ballet: double pas-de-deux on YouTube.
Blog article about The Dutch National Canta Ballet.
De Benenwagen
Book about how Karin Spaink got back a lot of freedom with her Canta Car
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