This festival was the first to select our film after Inscience Film Festival 2019. We are so sorry we can not be there live, but very happy and proud to be [...]
Voor het transmediale project If You Are Not There, Where Are You? werden kinderen met absence epilepsie gekoppeld aan kunstenaars om expressie te [...]
to film and venue Click the link above to Film Johannesburg We are happy to announce that the film of Maartje Nevejan is selected for the Rapid Lion [...]
9 mei 2019 van 20:00 tot 22:00 Publieksdialoog van de Nieuwe Utrechtse School Fit for the Future: Tussen fake news en (bio)medisch feit VERHALEN EN ZIEKTE- [...]
IN MY ABSENCE OP DOK LEIPZIG Onze VR-installatie In My Absence, in samenwerking met Monobanda PLAY, is geselecteerd voor filmfestival DOK Leipzig! [...]
London June 2018 In the last days of shooting before the summer we had a meeting with artist Anish Kapoor. I first met the work of Anish in 1992 at the [...]
If You Are Not Here, Where Are You? wo 25 apr 2018 om 19:30 The influence of absence epilepsy on imagination, science and art that emerges from the [...]