Nevejan is a regular MC at debates and a frequent speaker on summits and conferences especially as a “changemaker in the media”. Topics include her own films and the topics in there, integration, democracy, health, multi-and transmedia tradition, the collaboration between science and arts, artistic research, consciousness research in the technological field.
She teaches concept- and -interview training, and mentors young filmmakers.
Online, part of Holland Film Meeting at NFF 2021
Amsterdam, Mentor @ Master Filmacademy
The Hague, Teacher documentary @ KABK(royal academy of the arts)
Vlissingen, Film By the Sea, Member of the jury Documentary.
Zurich, Switzerland: writing, producing and directing first shoot film “Descending the mountain”.
De Gids: Literature magazine: 3 episodes written bij Dirk Vis, inspired by our project IYANTWAY.
Online: Member of the jury :International FilmFestival Inscience 2020- with Patricia Pisters and Robbert Dijkgraaf.
Nijmegen: International FilmFestival Inscience 2020- screening “Are you there” and q& a online with students art&sciences.
Sweden: master of film Valand Academy-screening “Are you there” and q& a online with students filmschool
Haarlem: Representation of our project “If You Are Not There Where Are You?” in the steady collection of Dolhuys- Museum for the Mind
Amsterdam: Dutch Directors Award Interactive- Virtual Experience “In Your Absence”- with Niki Smit from Monobanda
Gezond Nu: Health Hero of 2020 for documentary “Ik ben er even niet” and its Impact
Vlissingen: Film by the Sea- official selection. DELTA award best long documentary for “Ik ben er even niet”.
Maarssen, NL- Buitenplaats Doornburgh: Center for Art and Science: Exhibition and Performance endpanel: Atronauten van de Binnenwereld and IYANTWAY
Prague, Czech Republic :Screenings and Talkshow @ One World Film Festival
Amsterdam: Mentor Master Film academy Amsterdam
Nijmegen, Radboud students of different masters: screening, input and q&A in a workshop
Rotterdam/Amsterdam: Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie-Filmfonds: advisor Immerse?Interactive commitee
Czech Republic, Letland, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Canada, Poland, Spain, France and counting :Film;”Are you there?”-official selection for several festivals online, including q&a online:
Luzern, Switzerland, Arts and Camera `Hochschule der Kunst, lecture and workshops transmedia filmmaking and screening film Are you there.
IDFA 2019, Amsterdam. Our web- app is part of the official selection IDFA Doclab 2019
Inscience 2019, Nijmegen, Panel Astronauts of inner space. Speaker at the international panel research Science and Art. Exhibition IYANTWAY
HKU, lecture and screening for art students “Are you there?” Giving a workshop Interview and transmedia.
KABK, The Hague, talk and screening for art students.
Dutch Film festival: Panel Astronauts of Inner Space, stadsschouwburg Utrecht.Exhibition IYANTWAY. Launching of our Webapp Nomination Gouden Kalf beste Lange documentaire
Copenhagen “Are You There?” official selection CPH:DOX filmfestival: participant in several panel discussions about filmmaking and Arts and Sciences.
Impactmakers: Impactfilm about IYANTWAY.
Copenhagen: workshop for students Art Academy.
Amsterdam, Panel Astronauts of the inner world. Exhibition IYANTWAY: Gallery Beautiful Distress House, Amsterdam.
Utrecht: Lecture for Dutch peaditricians 9 march, about the mixed media project” If you are not there, where are you?” Together with children’s neurologist Herman Schippers. Also inspired bij the upcoming field of “Narrative medicine” the children’s hospital is developing right now.
European Filmacademy: Giving a workshop with Babs Gons about language and diversity.
Rotterdam: Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie-Filmfonds: advisor Immerse?Interactive commitee
Master Filmacademie Amsterdam: Mentor and workshop leader collaborative filmmaking.
Master of film: Member ExamCommittee 2019.
Finland- Lapland-UK- Denmark-Netherlands: directing and editing “Ik ben er even niet”.
Amsterdam-Prague-Helsinki-Cape town: HKU lectures with our book “If You Are Not There, Where Are You, mapping absence seizures through Art:
Speaking about my project If You Are Not There Where Are you at several medical, science and art institutions.
Stedelijk museum Amsterdam: presentation of the VR experience”In My Absence”
Cinekid, Spui25, KNAW, Inspirational evenings about Arts&Science collaborations.
Amsterdam-Speaker at KNAW-OCW- Science meets ArtsDen Haag-Speaker at ministry of OCW, Education, Culture and Science. Science meets Arts.
Amsterdam- Examiner master Film Academy
Utrecht- Speaker at conference National Alignment Education and Epilepsy.
New York:
Finalist at Tribecca New Media Funds
London: Research IYANTWAY
Mentor master Film Academy
Haarlem: Teacher filmclass refugees at the Koepel.
UVA Amsterdam -Speaker at Worldling the Brain- march 2016. Neuroscience meets Film and Media.
Speaker Royal Academy of Arts&Sciences KNAW about IYANTWAY
Aviser and Jury at Sandbergen-Mediafonds, masterclass transmedia
Amsterdam-Speaker immersive network at IDFA.
Amsterdam-Teacher interview training Film Academy.
Cruqius: Speaker at Epilepsy Education day at SEIN.
Den Haag
Ministerie VWS- viewing and discussion of my film Harry, Tiny and Sonja.
RIBW discussion and forum about “verwarde personen.”confused persons.
Update personal Education:
Student at Visual Thinking Strategy course. (VTS)”-graduated.
Student SCT-systemday
Student mystery school
Utrecht: Dutch Film Festival, screening Harry, Tiny & Sonja.
Pakhuis De Zwijger: Warp and Woof: a one night festival about Carpets. Including our own Magic Carpet with the girls from Tehran. Iran.
Amsterdam: Expert Sandberg/Mediafonds masterclass: Unmapping Europe
Amsterdam: Master of Film, Filmacademy- mentor
Amsterdam: De Balie- debate with police, politics, care professionals, and psychiatrists about my film Harry,Tiny and Sonja
Heiloo: Willibrordus draait door festival, screening and debate film HT&S website willibrordus
Haarlem: Dolshuys- Film Harry, Tiny en Sonja, screening and debate
Rotterdam: Cultuur in Beeld, speaker at OC&W conference. (ministry of culture)
Tilburg: teaching at Art Academy Fontys
Amsterdam: Sandberg/Mediafonds- masterclass expertise team, Quantified Reality
Utrecht: Linc, alumni at leardership in Culture program
Utrecht, NFF, key-note speaker at the “games and film session” at the Dutch Film Festival
New York, NY, research feature documentary ‘Absences”. Meeting with Oliver Sacks
Greece, Thessaloniki Film Festival March: l. Selected to pitch a feature documentary
Iran: Khartoum, Isphahan, Feb/March research in Iran for an art project
Performance and tv series Het Nationale Canta Ballet.
Utrecht- Nacht van de Vrede (special guest Cinema)
Iraq, Erbil, Artrole women human rights and arts festival
Spain (Cordoba), November 2012
Workshop ‘Perspectives of Web 2.0 for Citizenship Education in Europe’
Netherlands (Diemen), November 2012
Lecture The Canta Dances MIXM InHolland University
Kenya (Nairobi), July 2012
Workshop Global Voices summit
Iraq (Erbil)
Workshop in
Check Republic (Brno)
Workshop ‘How to interview?’
Interview with Maartje in the NECE Newsletter (Networking European Citizenship Education)
March 2011
Nevejan participates in the Forum Al Jazeera “The Future Has Arrived: the Arab World in Transition”. Doha, Quatar.
The ThirdEye – Worldexpo 2010: Nevejan participated with the 3di project in Shanghai, China and Rotterdam, Holland.
Berlin, Germany
October 2009
Participant at BRIDGE-IT
ICT for social integration and cultural diversity.
Iran and South Africa
February – April 2009
Couscousglobal travelled, filmed and connected youth with the rest of the world through movies.
London, UK
Nevejan was Labdirector of a Performing Arts Lab around her Couscous Global project. Produced a DVD fabout the lab in collaboration with win-win stories.
October: Participant at BRIDGE-IT Berlin, Germany.
ICT for social integration and cultural diversity.
Presentation LYPO apllication in PICNIC 2009
International workshops: Labdirector in Performing Arts Lab, UK,
Lectures and workshops in Amsterdam: University Hoge School, International School, GNR8, Rietveld, Changemakers conference refugees, IDFA: doing docs diffrently, mediamatic.
Rotterdam: Willem de Kooning Art Academy.
Debate workshops: National Theater Institute, Civil Sevants The Hague. Teachers and new learning, civil servants city of Amsterdam. Architecture in Almere.
Jury: The One minutes
Chairman: National Cannabis Conference in the Hague, NPOX festival Hilversum.
Beijing, China
Miami, USA
August – November 2008: Couscousglobal travelled, filmed and connected youth with the rest of the world through movies.
November: Maartje Nevejan visited USA to follow the elections.
New York, USA
September 2008
Participant at the “Images and voices of Hope” summit Theme: Changemakers in the Media.
Cannes, France
MIPCOM 2008. Nevejan participated because Couscous&Cola was nominated for an Emmy Award here.
August: Nevejan visited China during the Olympics.
July: Webcommunity Couscous Global, launch of the website.
Februari: Couscous & cola was debating Fitna de film of Geert Wilders. Read more about is at the Channel 4 website.
Nevejan spoke at:
– Cinema Rialto, forum Art in conflictzones
– VU unversity: forum about G(l)ocal Journalism
– The Hague, workshop leerplichtambtenaren with De Bouwmeester
– Vokskrant, article about public broadcast and the Fitna movie.
– Moderating forum Dutch Typo-design day at “Bijzondere Collecties”
Participant at ‘Images and Voices of Hope’ summit for changemakers in the media in New York.
In December 2007 Maartje was in Sudan again, working with students of the university and conservatory of drama and music. It was organized by professor Mieke Kolk.
Follow-up in 2009: Video installation for the National Museum of antiquities in Leiden. Young Sudanese immigrants talk about the other Sudan. What is there besides Darfur? Part of the Other Sudan Arts
10 june 2007 Couscous & cola #1 shown at H20 International Filmfestival New York, the largest Hip-Hop film festival in the world.
couscous & cola #1:
Broadcasted worldwide by Al Jazeera International, started march 2007. Read an article in Dutch or read some of the reactions in English (both pdf files)
Nevejan spoke at:
– the NPOX Festival for Public Broadcasting.
– Theaterschool Amsterdam, forum making engaged social theater.
– European Youth Speak Conference:
– IDEA Model European Youth Parliament
– LLoyd Hotel – Amsterdam, March 2007. Open the flyer as a pdf file
Masterclass Couscous & cola in B the change, january 2007.
Mediamaticsalon: debats about identity and homelands, about media and how people are treated by them.
Expertmeeting: how to interest youngsters for news? Organised by NOS (Dutch 8 o’clock news) and FunX (radiostation for youngsters). See Nevejan’s little movies.
Night of the Debate Felix Meritis, Amsterdam
Forum Imagining Europe, debate ‘couscous & cola’ kids and politicians.
Performing in “The Word show” Black Soilfilmfestival – hiphopculture Balie Amsterdam. By the ‘couscous & cola’ kids and politicians.
2006 -2005
IC-conference ‘Tijdgeest’ – 24 november 2006. Nieuw Akademia & Bureau Algemene Bestuursdienst
International Conference: ‘My unknown Enemy, Theater between Frontiers’. December 2005 in Sudan, Khartoum.
Screenings & Debates cc & c 2005-2006:
Hoge School Amsterdam, College Amsterdam, los Angeles USA UCLA,
Dutch Parlement 2006, Amsterdam, Forum Imagining Europe,
couscous & cola #1 was also screened in Sudan, december 2005.
Maartje is teaching debating techniques with a DVD at schools;
in Amsterdam
– Nova College, Marcanti College
and in Zaandam
– Regio College
Nevejan is also coaching individuals in the art- and buisnessworld as well as in the red light district of Amsterdam.
Virtual Fatherlands
Hollywood (USA)
14 Stations, ecce homo (2001)
Belgium and Finland
Broos (1997)
Shown at International Film Festivals in Belgium, Cairo, Locarno, New Delhi, Torino